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Tuesday 13 October 2020

The Cay Moral

 last term in English we read the cay. 

the moral of the story that I understood from the themes of the book is survival 

team work makes the dream work

I give the cay 4 stars. 

Wednesday 16 September 2020

Chemistry of food blog

you get the Protein from the meat. 
you get the carbohydrate from the rice. 
you get the vitamins from the vegetable. 

you get the protein from the meat. 
you get the carbohydrate from the potato chips. 
you get the vitamins from the vegetable. 
you get the Lipids from the oil.


Tuesday 1 September 2020

My Bird Mascot

Owl Morepork 

Why did you choose this bird? I choose this owl because it's a cool bird that can hunt in the dark to get food. What countries are your bird found in? New Zealand. What is the bird afraid of? unknown.         
What good qualities does this bird have? The morepork has short, broad wings making it very manoeuvrable and able to fly through dense forest.
Is your bird smart?Yes

Thursday 13 August 2020

Global Warming

   A Brief Introduction on Global Warming – The Knight News Global warming is a crisis that gradually increases the heat of our planet and the life on the earth. We have so many gadgets in our homes that we need more and more energy. In factories they are damaging the earth by using fossil fuels and coal and gases of (CO2) keeping the heat from going back to space.

Thursday 6 August 2020

Aggressive magpies wreaking havoc

 Magpies a attacking and dive bombing cyclists,hikers and even vehicles

When you see a magpie do not wave your arms and shout at them it makes the magpie more aggressive and do not duck. This will expose the back of your neck. when you are on your bike put to eyes on the back of your helmet.

Thursday 23 July 2020

Cats Make Better Pets Then Dogs

Understanding cat incontinence - ROYAL CANIN ® - Royal Canin

Cats don’t run around on your bed 

 They sleep while some dogs run around

on your bed like anger Rhinoceros.

My cat is name Ginger his a big boy and is fluffy and 

cuddly and sleeps every time on my bed. 

This shows that cats are better than dogs and 

that cats are lazy and playful as well.

and ginger is the king of the house.